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Songwriter Competition
We are offering young people who go to school or live in Hertfordshire, aged 21 and under, an opportunity to perform your own song as part of the Hertfordshire Schools' Gala 2025, live at the Royal Albert Hall.

The successful songwriter will work with a mentor to prepare for the performance at the Gala.
Applications for this opportunity are now closed.
Rapper Competition
We are looking for a rapper who lives or goes to school in Hertfordshire, aged 21 or under, to write and perform a rap verse in the Hertfordshire Schools' Gala 2025, live at the Royal Albert Hall.

- The successful rapper will work with a mentor to prepare the rap for the performance at the Gala.
Applications for this opportunity are now closed.
Digital Music Producer Competition
We are looking for a producer who lives or goes to school in Hertfordshire, aged 21 or under, to create a track, combining electronic and orchestral music, to be performed as part of the Hertfordshire Schools' Gala 2025, live at the Royal Albert Hall.

- The successful producer will work with an established composer/orchestrator to prepare the piece.
- The track should encompass the 2025 Gala theme “For the record” with ideas around the journey of music digitally and how that could be reflected in a soundscape
Applications for this opportunity are now closed.
RAH Gala Project Manager: Lucy Buckland
RAH Gala Project Co-ordinator: Daisy Enfield
Tel.: 01992 555093 or 01438 843987