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What are Music Hubs?
Music Hubs are partnerships that support, deliver and enable access to music education for children and young people within a local area. These partnerships are co-ordinated by a Hub Lead Organisation and can include schools, local authorities, community groups, music organisations, industry and more.
Back to topHertfordshire Music Hub
Music Hubs play a critical role in fulfilling the vision and goals as set out in the 2022 National Plan for Music Education (NPME) The power of music to change lives.
Hertfordshire Music Hub acts as a gateway for music education provision that works in our local context, both in and out of school. We help drive the quality of service locally, with scope for improved partnership working, better value for money and local innovation.
The Hertfordshire Music Hub Board is concerned with the activity and development of the Hertfordshire Music Hub. The Hub Board scrutinises, challenges, and supports the Hertfordshire Local Plan for Music Education and advocates at local, regional, and national level for the benefits of a strong musical offer in our schools and in the wider community.
Back to topHub vision
Hertfordshire Music Hub Board believes all children and young people should have the opportunity to enjoy, achieve and celebrate through music.
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Strong governance provided by support and challenge from a knowledgeable Board that represents the views of all stakeholders, particularly young people themselves.
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Children first: we put children at the centre of our vision for Music in Hertfordshire, make them our priority, involve them in shaping our work. Listen to their voices. The Hertfordshire Music Hub Board (link to page about Hub Board) agrees to conduct business using The Seven Principles of Public Life (www.gov.uk) – these are: Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, and Leadership.
Back to topHertfordshire Music Service - Lead Organisation
Hertfordshire Music Service has been appointed by Arts Council England to lead the Hertfordshire Music Hub from September 2024, as part of an ambitious national programme to provide high-quality music education for all children and young people.
As the Lead Organisation, Hertfordshire Music Service will deliver the three aims set out in the National Plan for Music Education:
- To support schools and other education settings to deliver high-quality music education
- To support young people to further develop their musical interests and talent, including into employment
- To support all children and young people to engage with a range of musical opportunities in and out of school
The National Plan also outlines five strategic functions for Music Hubs: Partnerships, Schools, Progression and musical development, Inclusion, and Sustainability.
As the new Hub Lead Organisation for the Hertfordshire region, Hertfordshire Music Service will receive £2,222,372 from the Department for Education. Hertfordshire Music Service will receive £1,672,854 to coordinate music education in the local area, plus £549,518 to invest in new musical instruments, equipment and technology tailored to the needs of children and young people in Hertfordshire, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Hertfordshire Music Service’s appointment is part of a major investment in a new generation of the nationwide network of Music Hubs. This investment will help to deliver the Government’s National Plan for Music Education, and give all children and young people the opportunity to develop their musical interests as far as they wish, including helping them to begin careers in the music industry.
National Music Hubs
The new Music Hubs form an ambitious national programme providing high-quality music education for all children and young people through investment in musical activities, equipment and teacher training.

Building on the extensive work existing Music Education Hubs have undertaken since 2011, the new Hubs will be led by 43 Hub Lead Organisations from September 2024.
Arts Council England
View a map of the new music hubs
Download a list of Hub Lead organisations
Download a spreadsheet of the new Music Hub areas and funding allocations
Hertfordshire Music Service will continue to deliver high quality music education accessible to all children and young people in Hertfordshire through diverse partnerships between educational, creative and community organisations, in their local communities and throughout the country.
Back to topLead Schools for Hertfordshire Music Hub
The core purpose of a Lead School, as set out within the NPME, is to champion music education, developing and nurturing local school relationships and networks as part of and on behalf of the Hub. Lead Schools will supplement the role of the Hub Lead Organisation.
Lead Schools will act as an ambassador for music education and model behaviour and practice expected from schools in relation to music (as set out in the NPME). Lead Schools are a key partner within the Hub and help with engaging schools within the Hub area, demonstrating and advocating for the vital role schools will play in ensuring the success of the NPME.
Process overview guidance video