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The Hemel Hempstead School (North Block)
Heath Lane
Hemel Hempstead
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01442 453400

Regional Manager (West Herts): Nyree O'Brien

Regional Development Lead (West Herts): Kelly Simpson

Regional Development Lead (West Herts): Mark Taylor

Regional Business & Administration Manager (West Herts): Monica Mills

Regional Business & Administration Manager (West Herts): Robert Clarke

Receptionist: Ilina Shivarova

Office hours

  • Mon - Fri: 4.00pm–7.30pm
  • Saturday: 9.00am–2.00pm


What's on


  • 4.30pm - 5.10pm - Flute Choir. Grades 1 - 8.
  • £59 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.
  • 5.30pm - 7.00pm - Dacorum Chamber Orchestra. Grade 4+.
  • £59 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.


  • Currently individual lessons only


  • 5.20pm - 6.00pm Recorderlicious Grade 1-
  • £59 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.
  • 6.05pm - 6.45pm - Recorder Consort. Grade 1 - 8. 
  • £59 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.

Saturday Music School

  • 9.15am - 9.45am - Mini Music Makers. EYFS class.  
  • £49 per term 
  • 9.45am - 10.45am - Music Makers Key Stage 1. 
  • £59 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.

  • 11.15am - 12.15pm - Jolly Jam SEND class. 
  • £59 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.

  • SING MAKE PLAY - £59 per group or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.
  • 9.15am - 10.15am - Young Musicians 
  • 10.15am - 11.15am - SingIT
  • 11.15am - 12.15pm - Saturday Band 

  • 11.15am - 12.15pm - Saturday Symphony - Intermediate Orchestra.
  • £59 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.

  • 12.30pm - 2.30pm - Showstoppers - Music Theatre Key Stage 2. 
  • £99 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.

  • 12.30pm - 2.30pm - RockUP - Rock Band Key Stage 3. 
  • £99 per term or £109 membership for 2 groups or more.

About our groups


At Dacorum Music School singing is very important and instrumentalists are encouraged to take part in these activities as part of their musical development. Singing tuition is available on an individual basis. There is a junior choir as part of SING MAKE PLAY on a Saturday.  You don't need to be able to read music. Pupils will develop their singing skills through rounds, unison songs and simple part singing. They cover a wide repertoire, including traditional, popular and fun songs.

Young Musicians

All young musicians can join our Saturday Band or Saturday Symphony which caters for musicians from beginners to advanced players. Young string players can also join our Simply String group. We encourage children to be having individual lessons on their instruments to join one of these groups to enhance their skills and experience the joy that playing in a large ensemble can provide.  All the groups give regular concerts throughout the year.

Orchestra - Dacorum Chamber Orchestra

Our Chamber Orchestra is for our most advanced players and they rehearse together weekly to produce high quality music.  The Orchestra are well know in the local community and enjoy large audiences at the concerts they give.  We are always delighted to welcome new players.

Chamber Ensembles

Our chamber groups run weekly and consist of Flute Choir, Recorder Consort and Chamber.   Each are supported by one of our HMS teachers to guide the students through their repetoire and offer their knowledge and experience to support the musicians to develop and enhance their skills.  The groups regularly perform both here at DMS and in the wider Dacorum community.

Saturday Music School 

Mini Music Makers  

This group is for children in EYFS where they can begin to explore their new musical journey.

Music Makers 

A lovely class for children in Y1 and Y2 play music, sing songs and start playing the recorder.

Jolly Jam

A SEN family sensory music session for children and young adults.


Sing Make Play (KS2): 

Young Musicians

Start your instrumental journey here learning to play and instrument from the very beginning.


Join our choir and make your own music in our IT suite.


A band for all instruments to come and play together.

Saturday Symphony

An intermediate orchestra for players Grade 1-3. All instruments welcome


Our Showstoppers come together to develop their drama, dance and singing skills as they work towards a show. 


Our budding musicians all come together and get some expert guidenace on how to play and perform in their very own rock band.




Individual lessons

  • Piano and Keyboard
  • Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass
  • Brass: Cornet, Trumpet, French horn, Trombone
  • Woodwind: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Saxophone
  • Recorder
  • Classical and Electric guitar
  • Drums
  • Singing

Attending your lessons or group

Things to bring to lessons:

  • Practice book

  • instrument (where required) and music.


Drop-off and pick-up

Please drop your child off inside the centre if they are KS2 or below.

Please collect your child from inside the centre if they are KS2 or below.

Parents and Carers are welcome to wait inside the building.

Notice to withdraw from lessons:

If your circumstances change and you want to withdraw from lessons, please let us know by filling in the lessons withdraw form. This needs to be completed by the dates specified in section 11, of our terms and conditions, to avoid being charged a late notice administration fee.